Uganda's Acting Police Chief Visits Albertine Region, Vows to Tighten Security

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Uganda's Acting Police Chief Visits Albertine Region, Vows to Tighten Security
Major General Tumusiime Katsigazi gets a briefing.

Unease settled over the oil-rich Albertine Graben. Expensive equipment hummed across the vast fields, a treasure trove for Uganda. But beneath the whirring machinery lurked a disquieting reality - security gaps.

Acting Inspector General of Police, Major General Tumusiime Katsigazi, arrived unannounced. His mission: to assess the region's preparedness for threats. Discrepancies were glaring. Private security guards strolled about with firearms, a casualness that sent shivers down Katsigazi's spine.

Immediate action was needed. A new directive crackled across the airwaves - private security companies were put on notice. Guns were no longer welcome companions on leisurely walks. Only when necessary could guards be armed, and for those without proper storage, police stations became the new armoury. This mirrored a similar restriction during the recent NAM summit, a sign of Katsigazi's seriousness.

But security concerns extended beyond watchful eyes. Bunyoro, the heart of the Albertine Graben, had a festering wound - land grabbing. Whispers painted a grim picture of police officers themselves aiding the evictions. Katsigazi wasn't having it. A clear message echoed through the ranks - the president's directive reigned supreme. Evictions without district security committee approval meant trouble, and trouble could translate to dismissal.

The General wasn't blind to the volatile borders that hemmed Bunyoro. He assured residents that the government stood guard, but vigilance was a two-way street. The public's watchful eyes were crucial. Any whiff of suspicion, any face that didn't belong, and the authorities needed to be informed.

Finally, the grim reaper on Ugandan roads - accidents. Katsigazi acknowledged the bloody toll, but the blame wasn't solely placed on security lapses. In a bid to curb drunk driving, a familiar spectre rose from the ashes - "Kawunyemu" operations. Roadside sobriety tests would once again be a common sight, a stark reminder of the responsibility that lay with those behind the wheel.

Katsigazi's whirlwind visit sent a powerful message. The Albertine Graben, a crown jewel of Uganda's economy, would be protected. Tighter security, responsible land practices, and a renewed focus on road safety - these were the pillars upon which a secure future would be built.

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